StereoWise: Loudspeaker - Genesis Advanced Technologies

On this page you will find an overview of Genesis Advanced Technologies loudspeakers. To make it easy for you, you will find the most current price list that i could find ( price changes reserved ). at the bottom of this page.

for more information about Genesis amplifiers go to: StereoWise: Amplifier - Genesis A.T.

***Important Notice ***

SUGGESTED RETAIL PRICING: Because States and Cities in the USA have varying sales tax, the Manufacturer's Suggested retail Prices liste in the USA are stated without Sales Tax. In Other Countries, VAT is usually included in the price quoted Hence, Genesis proposes a Suggested Retail Price for Export Countries which typically includes Airfreight and Transport Costs, and VAT / GST. This makes for fair business practices: a Customer flying to the USA to make a personal purchase, then privately importing the productto his own Country will likeley end up paying the the same price, but without the benefit of local warranty and service.  Please inquire with your local dealer / distributorif you have anu questions.

25 August 2023