StereoWise: Loudspeaker - Germany

This Amazing photo of the Brandenburg Gate ( Brandenburger Tor ) was taken by Photographer Thomas Wolf

Germany is a country located in Central Europe, officially the country is called Federal Republic of Germany, it is a parliamentary republic. The total area of Germany is 357.121 square km of which 2 % consists of water due to the presents rivers, canals and lakes. A characteristic of German society is the professionalism with which people generally interact. Germany has more than 83 million inhabitants.

In München we have the English garten with the Chinese temple

Helene Fischer, originally from Russia conquers Germany with her song: Breathlessly Trough the Night with her height of 1.58 cm and 36 years old we are talking of a real Power Lady.


Acoustic Electronic Research

Ascendo is the speaker for your home theater - bioscoop

Audiophile fast loudspeaker


BETONart - Audio

Steige 10

69181 Leimen - Germany


Bohne Audio

Don't forget that Burmester has an exclusive line for Mercedes

From left to right the Canton Team

Oliver Hennel

Christoph Kraus

Günther Seitz

Achim Seitz





Cessaro Omega 1

C O N S E Q U E N C E - A U D I O

Duevel Omnidirectional Speakers

Haupstrasse 46

D - 49163 Bohmle - Germany


Fein Audio the Concert Loudspeaker

Bahnhofplatz 1

93133 Burglengenfeld - Germany

Contact: Herr. Johann Erl



Fein Audio - the Concert loudspeaker is a High Resolution line source with Impressive deep bass, crystal-clear midrange,

brilliant trebles and Highest Dynamics, for more information go to the site or send an email to Herr. Johann Erl.

Fischer & Fischer Hifi Lautsprecher

Bahnhofstrasse 2

D - 57392 Schmallenberg -

Bad Fredeburg - Germany


Fishhead Audio

Waldo Wallee 1

10318 Berlin - Germany




Göbel Audio GmbH

Schabweg 4 A

82239 Alling - Germany

HECO is a Trademark of Magnat Audio Produkte GmbH - Germany

Professional Monitors

Lautsprecher Manufaktur Heyder



INKLANG Lautsprecher Manufaktur GmbH - Showroom 

Stilwerk Hamburg

Grosse Eibstrasse 68

22767 Hamburg - Germany




Klangheim Audio loudspeakers

LAMAR Audio Engineering

LINDEMANN Audiotechnik

Linkwitz Holographic Sound


Magnat Transpulse 1000



Hendunger Syrasse 53

97638 Mellnichstadt - Germany

Neben Akustik Wood & Style 100 - € 3.200,-  ( by Hifi Pilot )


O D E O N - A U D I O

Eugen Oks

Operley Horn Loudspeaker - from Dusseldorf - Germany

Qudral Signum 90

reProducer Audio Labs


SCHERER Loudspeaker

Seta Audio

Silberstatic Electrostatic loudspeakers

T O C A R O -  Loudspeakers


Volya Bouqet GmbH

Saarpfalz Park 1 A

66450 Bexbach - Germany


Website: www.volya,



for more information about WVL go to":StereoWise: L.Speaker - WOLFVONLANGA



21 July 2022