StereoWise: Amplifier - Khozmo Acoustics

Khozmo Acoustics Passive Preamplifier - € 000,-  #  from $ 329,-  #  $ 379,-  ( dual mono with input selector ) 

Khozmo Acoustics HATTOR Integrated Amplifier with Hypex Ncore modules  #  HATTOR INT 500 Watt uses the latest nCore amplifier technology licensed from Hypex to provide a nearly ideal amplifier with distortion below measurment, ultra-high damping factor, and unconditional stability with any loudspeakers -  #  2 x 270 Watt / 8 Ohm - 2 x 500 Watt / 4 Ohm

Khozmo Acoustics HATTOR INT 500 - prices are depense of attenuators used:

HATTOR INT 500 with Vishay resistore - € 0.000,-  #  $ 2.690,-

HATTOR INT 500 with Takman Rex -       € 0.000,-  #  $ 2.990,-

HATTOR INT 500 with Takman Rey -       € 0.000,-  #  $ 3.090,-

HATTOR INT 500 with AMtrans AMRG - € 0.000,-  #  $ 3.490,-

27 oktober 2021