StereoWise: Loudspeaker - DIAPASON

On this page you will find an overview of DIAPASON loudspeakers. To make it easy for you, you will find the most current price list that i could find ( price changes reserved ). at the bottom of this page.

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DIAPASON speakers can be played with many different type of amplifiers

Karis Wave - Bookshelf * Standmount loudspeaker 

Karis Wave an original work of art resulting from an encounter between the genius Alessandro Schiavi, the founder and designer of DIAPASON speakers and the artist Antonio Comimi. 

Almost every loudspeakers of DIAPASON is made of Solid Wood - so it all start with something simple like Wood.

Astera  Bookshelf * Standmount loudspeaker 

Dynamis floorstanding loudspeaker 

Dynamis - Pure Art - Sophistication, Beauty, Originality, attention to detail, quality materials and finish made Dynamis an example of Italian manufacturing excellence and craft expertis.

ADAMANTES V  Bookshelf * Standmount loudspeaker 

Karis III  Bookshelf * Standmount loudspeaker 

Diapason Micra III Excel  Bookshelf * Standmount loudspeaker

Diapason ARES Excel - floorstanding loudspeaker  this speakers is made of multiplex with Walnut venere

1 January 2024

Price List of the DIAPASON loudspeakers ( all prices are for one pair of loudspeakers ).

Bookshelf * Standmount loudspeakers Price in Euro British Pounds US.Dollar
Diapason Micra III Excel Bookshelf * Standmount loudspeakers € 2.490,- £ 2.425,- $ 000,-
Diapason Karis III Bookshelf * Standmount loudspeaker € 4.190,- £ 4.050,- $ 000,-
Diapason Karis III 2/k Stands Walnut + Metal € 2.790,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Diapason 1/m Stands Metal for Karis * Micra € 1.290,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Diapason Karis III Grill € 120,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Diapason Adamantes V Bookshelf * Standmount loudspeaker € 6,290,- £ 6.699,- $ 000,-
Diapason Adamantes V 4/u Stands € 2.890,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Diapason Adamantes V Grill € 240,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Diapason Adamantes bookshelf * standmount + stand + grill € 9.420,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Diapason Karis Wave Bookshelf * Standmount loudspeaker € 8.990,- £ 8.995,- $ 000,-
Diapason Karis Wave Stands Walnut € 5.790,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Diapason Karis Wave Grill € 120,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Diapason Astera Bookshelf * Standmount loudspeaker € 9.990,- £ 10.599,- $ 000,-
Diapason Astera 4/u Stands € 2.490,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Diapason Astera Grill € 240,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Diapason Asterea bookshelf * standmount * + stand + grill € 12.720,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Diapason Centro III Center Channel Speaker € 000,- £ 1.049,- $ 000,-
Floorstanding loudspeakers Price in Euro British Pounds US.Dollar
Diapason Ares Excel floorstanding loudspeaker € 2.490,- £ 2.425,- $ 000,-
Diapason Dynamis floorstanding loudspeaker € 49.990,- £ 000,- $ 000,-
Diapason Dynamis floorstanding loudspeaker Piano Black € 53.290,- £ 54.995,- $ 000,-
Center Channel Speakers ( each ) Price in Euro British Pounds US.Dollar
Diapson Centro 3 N.W. Center Channel Speaker € 000,- £ 1.075,- $ 000,-
Diapason Accessoires Price in Euro British Pounds US.dollar
Diapason 1/m stands € 000,- £ 635,- $ 000,-
Diapason 2/A stnds for Adamantes V € 000,- £ 2.025,- $ 000,-
Diapason Astera stands € 000,- £ 2.100,- $ 000,-